KCHC Members

The Kendall County Historical Commission is appointed every two years by the Kendall County Commissioners Court through an application review process. In addition to our appointed members, there is also a dedicated group of associate members who support the important work of county history preservation and advocacy.
​Meetings are on the third Monday of each month visiting different locations.
The public is always welcome.
Please visit our Facebook site for more information.
2023-2025 Board Members
Robin Stauber, Chair
Kathyrn Adam Hurst, Vice Chair
Suzanne Young, Secretary
Joe Hegyesi, Treasurer
Bryden Moon, Historical Marker Chair
Val Anderson
Scott Barthel
Paul Barwick
Glenn Cummings
Julie Gossell
Hal Harwell
Martha Hawkins
Karen Hogg
Sandra Johnston
Stanley Jones
Graham Littrell
Nalga Mebane
Brenda Seidensticker
Eddie Seidensticker
Sandra Senecal
Richard Tomlinson
Karen Walsemann
William Whitney
From the Texas Historical Commission website:
"The Texas Legislature authorized the establishment of County Historical Commissions (CHCs) to assist county commissioners courts and the Texas Historical Commission (THC) in the preservation of our historic and cultural resources. The mission of each CHC is to preserve, protect, and promote these resources. Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 318, establishes work that CHCs may pursue. The statute is fairly broad, leaving latitude for CHCs to manage activities appropriate to county size and resources. Appointees consult with county officials and preservation partners to determine the CHC's body of work.
As a political subdivision, CHCs serve as primary points of contact for individuals who need more information about particular aspects of history and historic sites in Texas.
Active CHCs provide a broad range of services to individuals and organizations within the county. Some CHC appointees provide help with research and applications related to historical designations. More active appointees provide public presentations and events that educate and celebrate local history."
In 2022, members logged 2,300 hours and are thrilled to have been awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the Texas Historical Commission. This award affirms our managing preservation programs that enrich Texas communities. Also, the Texas State Library & Archives Commission has granted Boerne Library a $25,000 grant to digitize the Boerne Star dating from 1940 to 1993 and can be viewed on The Portal to Texas History website.
This year, we worked with numerous organizations to promote historic and cultural sites and events and to sustain heritage initiatives. We collaborated with Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Boerne to tell the story of the Spanish-era trail named Camino Real de San Saba with a marker located on Hosack St. A section of this ancient, major trail crosses the church property.
With our membership growing, new committees and initiatives are in the works. The Cemetery Committee will clean, repair and document headstones, and photos of headstones needing repair or replacement can be submitted to us.
The Oral History Project is preparing guidelines for conducting oral history interviews to capture personal accounts of Kendall County history and historical events. Do you know someone who has an interesting story? Contact us!
Members visited the homestead of George Wilkins Kendall recently. The original farmhouse and barns of cedar and stone still stand, and under Mr. Kendall, the farm was the "center of the universe" for promoting sheep ranching in Texas. Plans are underway to find ways to preserve it's history.